Personal Color Analysis
Since people make value judgments about your appearance in just a few seconds, the impact of color is immediate and lasting. The colors you wear speak volumes about your appearance without saying a word. This is the reason wearing the right colors can make the difference of making a great impact or not so great impression.
Color affects mood, apparent body shape, apparent age, your outlook on life and the overall impression you make on others. Wearing the best color choices that compliment your personal features such as your skin, eye and hair color will make you look younger, healthier, brighter and credible. While wearing unflattering colors can make you look older, awkward, ill, tired or dull.
A professional Personal Color Analysis Consultation will help you discover which colors look best for work, business, interviews, dates, meetings, formal or social gatherings.
What will I know after a professional color consultation?
- Basic Undertone
- Major Season
- Personal Color Value
- Personal Color Intensity
- Best Contrast Levels
- Best Color choices for Tops, Pants, Suits, Skirts, Dresses, Shoes
- Best Color choices for Accessories (Bags, Jewelry, Watches)
- Best Colors for Hair, Nail and Makeup
- Best Wardrobe Combinations
- How to combine Fashion Styles
- Create an illusion of height to look taller
- Minimize or Maximize special areas
- Slimming or Enhancement Strategies
- Younger, Youthful, Healthier Appearance
- How to Shop Effectively
After a professional color analysis consultation, you will know what colors look best and increase your confidence!